Community Orgs
❝If you are a community-based organization focused on social justice, apply to partner with the lab here.❞
Our aim is to work closely with community partners to develop and pursue research projects. To that end, we hire undergraduate research assistants every Fall, Spring and Summer to work with community organizations to advance their projects for an 8-week period. Please find below the goals of the lab, what you can expect from us, and criteria for partnership.
*Application deadlines change each semester; please check back regularly for the most updated information. If the website has not been updated, please email crobson@g.harvard.edu for more information.
The Just Data Lab is committed to data justice — producing, using, and critiquing data to advance social justice.
What you can expect from us:
3-6 enthusiastic undergraduate RAs who are paid by the lab to complete up to 20 hours of work per week for your organization on a specific data justice project
8 weeks of commitment
What we need from you:
Email Intent to Apply
Application (click to go to the form and a sample project application):
Name and mission of your organization
Point of contact name, email address, phone # *an individual at your org who will serve as a point person for the team
Preferred number of RAs assigned to your project (e.g. “ideally 2” or “2-4pp”)
Written commitment to meet with the team at least once per week for 8 weeks
Description of a project that aligns with the mission of the lab
Project Timeline: *This can change throughout the 8 weeks. The goal of the timeline is for us to get a sense of the arc of the project and how the team will contribute in each phase
We would be happy to meet at any point to help brainstorm projects that align with the mission of both your organization and the lab. Please feel free to email Cierra Robson at crobson@g.harvard.edu to schedule a time.
Characteristics of Good Projects:
Organized and well-structured
Aligns with the mission of your organization and the Just Data Lab
Makes a concrete impact and/or produces a concrete output
Can be feasibly conducted remotely/ over Zoom
Possible Project Features:
Original data collection and analysis
Interviews or oral histories with community members
Inventory of existing policies on your subject
Mapping private investments in your industry
Network analysis of public-private partnerships in your arena
Summer 2021
Twin Cities Innovation Alliance
Alliance for Fair Food
Spring 2021
Fall 2020 Partners
Brown Hope & Black Resilience Fund
Summer 2020 Partners